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How it Works

Our editing process is carefully designed to ensure all the aspects of the author’s concerns are covered. The entire process is divided into specific operational responsibilities which cover subject-matter aspects, language and grammar details, high level of quality check, and all service level commitments.

How Edit Inside Turns Your Paper Into A Powerful Statement Of Your Research

Submit Your Project

Submit Your Project

Once your submission received, it will be assessed by the project manager. The project manager forms a plan on how and what needs to be done and move files for the editorial process with instructions for the editor.

Project Assigned to Subject Expert

Project Assigned to Subject Expert

Your paper will be assigned to a subject expert who will work on your manuscript from the subject-matter aspect. Based on the request, we can also assign the editor of your choice. This ensures your subject context is not compromised.

Editing and Reviewing

Editing and Reviewing

Our language expert edits your paper from language, grammar, technical aspects, and format it with citation according to the journal guidelines. During this process, they communicate suggestions by comments.

Review and Submit

Review and Submit

The edited paper is reviewed by a senior editor who ensures that the document is 100% error-free and complies with all the submission requirements. Finally, the document will be returned to you with all service benefits.

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