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Our Editors

Here at Edit Inside, we are committed to offering high-quality editorial support to authors which comes with experienced and subject-matter knowledge. To ensure quality editing services, our team of editors is selected based on their experience and educational qualification. We don’t hire students or freshers. Our team of editors is qualified editors who are published authors and peer-reviewers with top-notch research societies. We have a stringent recruitment process which ensures that only technically skilled and professional editors are recruited in the team. Covering all subject-areas, our editors are from Medicine, Life Science, Engineering Arts, Humanity, Business and Economics background.

our editing service

Our Editors Expertise

Subject Area Specialists
Subject Area Specialists

Highly qualified subject-matter experts, our team of editors have ONLY professional editors.

Subject Area Covered
Subject Area Covered

Over 1200 subject-areas covered to ensure that your paper is attended by your subject expert ONLY.

 12+ Years of Experience
Years of Experience

With an average of 12+ years of experience, our editors have also published authors and peer reviewers.

Native English Editors
Native English Editors

To ensure quality as our commitment, our editors are from native English countries such as the US and UK

Subject Area Expertise

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